Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Due parole per la visita del Papa Francesco in Albania

di Ermal BEGA
Tirana, Albania


Vedendo che sono stati fatti molti commenti a favore e contro la visita del Papa Francesco oggi a Tirana-Albania, allora cerco di dare un messaggio di congratulazioni e di un modesto parere personale su questa visita davvero storica per noi Albanesi.

Caro Papa,

Esprimo un vero piacere che una figura cattolica cristiana, la più alta della fede (non religione) cattolica, è venuto a visitare il mio paese. È stato un piacere che siete venuti come il nostro amico, anche se non avete ancora riconosciuto il Kosovo. Speriamo che arriva il giorno che il Vaticano e Israele di riconoscere in un istante.
Piacere ancora che sei venuto in Albania per una visita religiosa (non politica), soddisfacendo così un piccola minorità cattolica nella nostra terra, che hanno sofferto e soffrono ancora per la pace spirituale.
Benvenuto al popolo musulmano Albanese, ma purtroppo non con il governo musulmano, siccome grandi frodi sono fatti e fatti a spese del nostro popolo musulmano, dovrebbe sapere meglio di me credo.
Avrei voluto incontrarti personalmente come il fedele credente in un Dio, come un amico con amico! Avrei anche chiesto alcuni punti prima che tu venissi qui.
Mi piacerebbe che sapesi meglio e avere conoscenza su i musulmani che hanno sofferto fino alla caduta e la divisione della nostra terra dallo stato Ottomano, e furono presse dai vicini (cristiani ortodossi), e durante l’era comunista, che era ottenuto maggiore terrore contro la nostra comunità musulmana e dei nostri beni, pensando di far sparire la nostra eredità orientale islamica.
Avrei voluto altrettanto che tu sapesi prima del arrivo a Tirana che dagli anni 90, quanta gente sporca hanno portato avanti il paese con il richiamo “Libertà” e “Democrazia”.
Vorrei consigliare la guardia contro i politici leccapiedi che coprono per frode, furto, affari sporchi, mafia, delitti personali, fare rispetto finto.
Attenzione a quei rinnegati “musulmani” che hanno lasciato l’Islam come la loro religione per un tozzo di pane che avrebbero potuto fornire, o per qualche soldo o qualsiasi incarico di governo.
Fatte attenzione a cristiani non cattolici, che anche se sono i tuoi avversari (ben sapete la storia della separazione della Chiesa), ma la lotta essere “rispettata”, che in realtà è solo per tenere il loro posto li.
Guardatevi da coloro che giorno e notte lavano la bocca con vergogna e ipocrisia che sono presumibilmente secolari o “atei”, pur adorando icone e andare in chiesa.
Attento da coloro senza religione e fede che sono rimasti in mezzo alla strada e vanno da dove tira il vento, e oggi forse escono per vederti per l’unico scopo quello di “fortuna”.
Attenzione da i ex-comunisti e atei entrambi i gruppi politici, che fine ieri hanno ucciso i credenti in nome di un “ideale” senza ideale, mentre oggi fingono come dei buoni credenti.
Attenzione da quei cattolici che in nome della “nazione”vogliono far sparire la popolazione musulmana Albanese. Per questo chiede alle spie che seguano la situazione dei cattolici nel mondo, per vedere che comportamento hanno i cristiani cattolici (e ortodossi), in “nome del Cristo”, contro i loro fratelli musulmani albanesi, chiedendo una crociata e inquisizione di massa dei musulmani albanesi. La sai bene credo che la stessa cosa ha fatto anche “Atleta del Cristo” in Albania, Giorgio Castriota (mi vergogno a chiamarlo Skender Bey).
Altrettanto non credere alla “convivenza religiosa” tra gli Albanesi, si sta per fare un brutto gioco in danno della maggioranza musulmana albanese. Ma tu sii uomo sincero, non credere a vanvera!
Queste persone che ho citato sopra, hanno perso l’amore e la pace del Profeta Gesù (Isa), ma hanno mantenuto le vie del maledetto Satana, mostrando il loro comportamento disumano in questo caso.
Per concludere, vi chiedo di benedire i vostri cattolici, prega Dio Onnipotente per dare pace alla mente e l’anima, prega per loro di evitare il credo di Canone Lek Dukagjini (che non ha a che fare con la religione cattolica), che stanno uccidendo a vicenda ingiustamente e si chiudono in casa come in prigione.
Ti chiedo di dirli ai nostri governanti di non giocare con l’ipocrisia fallita e senza anima, e di non seguire le orme del Satana, ma di Dio, Colui che porta pace per tutta l’umanità.
Caro Papa, il profeta Muhammad (pace su di lui) che io credo, quando andava qualche cristiano o ebreo, stendeva il suo mantello per loro rispetto religioso. E io avrei fatto la stessa cosa se fosse venuto a casa mia.
Ti consiglio altrettanto, di diventare come il prete Nagiasci, il quale come prete del Etiopia (ex-Abisinia), è conosciuto fine ai giorni nostri, come uno dei preti più credenti, più sinceri e più giusti nel mondo, e lui sarà ricordato nella storia dell’islam per sempre.
Inoltre, prega Dio Onnipotente che i credenti cattolici non vi adorino (in un certo senso), perche tu sei uno come noi, uomo con il corpo e anima, ma consigli i credenti di adorare un solo Dio!
Infine, per ringraziare ancora una volta per il vostro arrivo a Tirana, ti saluto con un versetto del Sacro Corano:

“...troverai che i più prossimi all’amore per i credenti sono coloro che dicono: “In verità siamo nazareni (cristiani)”, perche tra coloro ci sono uomini dediti allo studio e monaci che non hanno alcuna superbia”. (Maide, 82)

Onorato Papa, prega a Grand Dio anche per noi!

Caro Papa
Benvenuto nella mia patria, tra gli Arnaut!

Ermal Bega
Tirana, Albania

P.S. Ho lasciato molte cose senza scrivere,ma sicuramente non possiamo dire tutto qui.

Tradotto da Durim MEMA

Presso dalla pagina: http://islammaremma.com/?p=258

Friday, June 20, 2014

8th international conference on the Arabic language was held

Ermal BEGA


8th International Conference on Arabic Language was held on 15 and 16 of January, 2013, in Beirut, Lebanon. The event was organized by the World Organization for Arabic Language, based in Beirut, Lebanon. The main topic of this conference was: “Arabic language from its vulnerability risks to the consequences of modernization”.

Various scholars and professors of Arabic language from 12 different countries of the Arab world participated on this event, including scholars and professors from Iran and other countries. These researchers discussed the issue of speaking the Arabic language in the Arab world and its teaching in various schools. It was also discussed about different phonemes used by Arabs and comparisons were made from different Arab countries regarding to the learning of the Arabic language, the formal and non-formal ones.
After the first session of the first day of the conference, a conclusion of academic year 2012-2013 for students of the University of Call in Beirut was made.

A famous calligrapher from Tripoli in Lebanon was also invited to attend this event, who presented a collection of his hand made calligraphy, worked in different types of Arabic script. Also, a special guest at the conference, by the invitation of the World Organization for Arabic Language and Sawt Arnaout International for Culture and Art, both based in Beirut, was the Albanian orientalist Ermal Bega, Executive Director of the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies, who presented a collection of oriental manuscripts owned by afore mentioned center.

The event eventually ended with by donating some calligraphy works to the president of the World Organization for Arabic Language Dr. Abdulnasr Jabr, as well as providing evaluations for participants of this event.

Translated from Albanian by: Amela BAŠOVIĆ

Monday, July 1, 2013

Bolshevism is a destruction for mankind

Booklets from "Albanian Center for Oriental Studies"
No. 1
(English edition)

Bolshevism is a destruction for mankind

About the book:

Original title in Albanian: "Bolshevizma a çkatërimi i njerëzimit"
Translated from Albanian: Aida Guni
Reviser: Amela Bašović (Kuzmini)
Editor: Ermal Bega
Cover: ACFOS - Besnik Hamiti
ISBN 978-9928-4028-4-4
Published by: Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania)
Website: www.acfos-albania.org
E-mail: acfos_albania@yahoo.com
P.O.Box 8203
Page: 36
Format: A5

First edition

All the rights reserved. No part of this book cannot be coppied, recorded or transmited to any other means, written or electronic without the prior written permission by the publisher.

© Copyright ACFOS-Albania, Tirana 2012


Dear readers, this is the first book translated in English and published by the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania), as well as it is the first book written by Hafiz Ali Korça being translated in English.
Indeed, this book published in English is dedicated to the foreign English speaking readers, who through reading can have some accurate knowledge, from an Albanian personality of the time when this book is written, who has seen with his own eyes and witnessed the situation the world was going through, as well as the Albanians (Arnaouts) and Albania, too, after splitting from the Ottoman Sultanate.
As in many other states in the world, in Albania as well, newly created as a state in the beginning of the 20th century, some so-called "patriots" brought to Albania the newly born communist and bolshevik ideas in the Tsarist Russia from the Jewish Karl Marx, whose goal was to destroy and infect all the nations of the world with his evil and destructive ideas, turning the people of those nations into slaves of dictators.
Hafiz Ali Korça, in his brochure, which is actually in your hands, speaks exactly about this "black cloud" and the consequences beared by it.
It is to make evident that Hafiz Ali Korça published for the first time this book in Albanian in March 1925, i.e. few years after the communist system was established in Russia, and some years before it was established in Albania itself, trying to clarify to Albanians, about this evil seed that was expected to be planted in Albania.
About this, he speaks clearly in the poetry found in the beginning of the book:

With the religion of Muhammad
The Bolshevism is never reconciled
In an open war they will be
Until the Day of Judgment.

Hafiz Ali Korça, through this brochure has given us a clear mirror of the facts and the arguments of what was going on in the world during his times, warning the Albanians on those days what they were anticipating.
Also, here he introduces universal knowledge, as well as religious knowledge, being himself a Muslim scholar, introducing himself as a high and an extraordinary personality that the communist and atheist dictatorship tried to eliminate when it came to power because of his highly intellectual, religious and patriotic influence that he had on his people. In the meanwhile, many afflictions and sufferings accompanied him until the end of his life, with his books being sequestered and burned, by being put himself to prison and being deported his family etc...
We pray to the Almighty God to have mercy upon him in the Hereafter and we pray that his work be a beacon to our life!

Albanian Center for Oriental Studies
Ermal Bega
Executive Director

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Exclusive interview with Imam Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi


Exclusive interview with Imam Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi (Vehbi Sulejman Gavoçi), great Muslim scholar from Shkodra city, Albania. Imam Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi is not the only Albanian Muslim scholar in the Muslim world, but there are other renown scholars such as: Sheikh Albani, Sheikh Abdul Kadr Arnaout, Sheikh Nuh, the grandfather of Sheikh Shuaib Arnaout who is still alive, etc.
Imam Wahbi Sulaiman Gawochi and Ermal Bega, Damascus 2004
Let us return to our interviewee, Sheikh Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi.

Dear Hajj Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi, you left Albania at a young age and came to Damascus (Syria); could you tell us when you and your family came here?

Bismilahir-rahmani-rahim, all praise is to Allah, Lord of the worlds, Who is One and without partners, His peace and blessings be upon His messenger Muhammad and upon all those who follow his path.
My name is Wahbi Sulaiman Gawuchi (in Alb. Vehbi Sulejman Gavoçi). We came from Albania to Syria in 1937. My father left Albania with his family and his brother and came to Syria.

What were the reasons that pushed you to come to Syria?

The main reason was that at the time King Zog undertook certain reforms that had nothing to do with Islam. He forced women to remove the face veil, equalized brother and sister in inheritance, and ordered administration workers to wear hats. Some other things he enacted against religion forced my father to leave Albania and come to Syria, or said differently, the place where Allah's last prophets emigrated.

Where did you first live in Damascus?

When we first came to Damascus we lived in the Huk-ul Saraya neighborhood, then we moved to the Diwaniya neighborhood, which is also known as the neighborhood of the Albanians. There, with the grace of God, our father built us a house, and then he also built a mosque, which is called Arnaout Mosque. In that mosque he was the imam, he studied there, and all the early Albanians who lived there learned about their religion from my father.

How did the Arabs welcome you as Albanians?

They welcomed us with the best welcome. The Albanians here can be separated into two groups: the first group are the Albanians from Kosova, who came here during the Balkan wars, when they were being killed, tortured, and expelled by the Serbs. The majority of them went to Turkey and some came to Syria. When they came here, the government proposed a piece of land called Shbele for them, a village, so they could work there. But they preferred to remain in the city, not knowing the land and the language. We came from Albania in 1937, like I mentioned earlier. Haji Nuh and the father or Shuaib Al-Arnaout, Muharram, came before us, in 1926, also from Shkodra. We are the second group to come from Shkodra to Syria. The Arabs welcomed us well and helped us when we needed help.

What is the approximate number of the Albanians who came to Syria?

I can't give an exact number on the Albanians here, because I lived outside of Syria for about 20 years. However, I believe that they are more than 10.000 people.

What was your occupation here in Damascus?

When I came to Syria in 1937 I got to know a relative of mine called Hasan Smaya and my father asked me if I wanted to go to school with him. I accepted. Then I went to Egypt where I stayed for 10 years. There I studied Arabic and Islam and I earned two college degrees, one in a secular field and one in Shariah law. I was always occupied with learning and writing books, from 1937 until now. I still read and write articles, essays and books, like young men do. I was occupied only with studying and teaching and never with politics, and during 1948-1980 I taught in Syria. Then I went to Medina and stayed for a few years. Then I went to the UAE where I stayed for 14 years. In the year 2000 I returned to Syria, my country, to live here for as long as I have left.

When did you finish your studies?

I finished my studies in Cairo in 1947.

What activities did you undertake regarding the Albanians when you returned from Egypt?

When we returned from Egypt we thought about gathering all Albanians who lived in Syria. For this reason we formed a non-profit organization, but that didn't last for more than 3 years. I was the secretary general of this organization. I gave interviews in different newspapers; and also one time when they came and spoke bad things about Ahmad Zogu (King of Albanians) that he is sold out and that we are sold out too. We tried to stay close and help out compatriots. But some people with Albanian origin do not have the same feelings as we do, they were born and remained in Syria, until the government closed that organization and we remained separated, each in his country.

Do you ever think about returning to Albania with your family?

I have been to Albania each year but I don't think that I will return there for good, because our families and work are here, and it would be very difficult. Emigration to this country is thewab, and here we are close to our fathers, may they rest in peace, who left Albania to preserve their faith.

What is your greeting for your compatriots in Albania?

When I first went to Kosova, they welcomed me very well and I felt obligated to write a book in Albanian called "How and Why?" to thank them. The love for my country is in my blood, it's in my life; I was born there, my relatives, friends, and brothers are there. I always think about Albania, but now that I am old it is difficult for me to return. If God would make me a young man again, I would return.

Interviewed by: Ermal BEGA
Damascus, Syria 2004

Translated from Albanian to English by:

Monday, October 15, 2012

Albanians in the Arab World (review)

Ermal BEGA*


Ermal Bega
Dr. Muhammad M. Arnaout, an Albanian originated from the city of Peć (Peja) in Kosova, is one of the most famous writers in Albanian lands an the Arab world.
He was born in Damascus in 1952; his father was from Peja city and his mother was from a village called Vrellë, also from Peja. Furthermore, he is the nephew of the well-known Albanian Muslim scholar from the village of Vrella in Peja, Sheikh Abdulkadr al-Arnaout.
Dr. Muhammad M. Arnaout finished his elementary and high school years of study in Damascus. Moreover, he persuid his higher education in Prishtina University, which was a way to go back at his parents native land. He finished his undergraduate studies with very high excelence results and has deffence two PHD topics, one on the faculty of philology for Albanian language and literature in 1981, the other one in the faculty of phiilosophy, department of history in 1986. During his period of study in Prishtina, he  also studied and has written in Albanian and Arabic language. Whereas, he has written many articles on the newspapers and magazines of that time. His articles were generally about the Albanian links with the Orient, specifically with the Arab world. Also, he is author and co-author of more than 40 books and encyclopedia, in Albanian and Arabic. He was professor of Arabic language at the department of Orientalism in the faculty of philology in Prishtina. Instantly, he is a professor of history and the Director of the Institute of Political Studies in Amman, Jordan.
One of the most important books written by him, which has to do with the Albanian relationship with the Arab world, is the one that we will discuss in this article, the book titled: “Albanians in the Arab World”, which is published on 1990 in Prishtina, and published from the publication house “Rilindja”.
The author in this book, as he mentioned in the foreword of the book, discuss about the presence of Albanians in the Arab world during 18th and 19th century, and the beginning of the 20th century. But the author is not stopped on this periods of time only, he has touched in passing the presence of Albanians even during the 16th and 17th century, because this period of time is related with the presence of Albanians in the Arab world during the 18th and 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.
The data of this book are prepared by exploiting different sources, where most of them are presented for the first time in Albanian language. The author, besides his primary research has exploited even a wide literature in different languages. Also, for the author was needed, and this was the most important thing to complete this work, that he did a lot of research in many Arab countries during the decade 1974-1984. For the collection and elaboration of the sources he focused in various countries, such as in Syria (1974-1975), in Algeria (1976), in Lebanon (1976), in Egypt (1978), in Kuwait (1981), in Tunisia (1983) etc.
In the first chapter of the book, titled: “The Albanian-Arab relations via history”, the author gives a general review on how the relationship between Albanians and Arabs has started. In the very beginning he explain that between Albanians and Arabs exist a well-off tradition about the origin of the Albanians from the Arab world, respectively from Syria. Based on this tradition, which by the time it develops more, we find information  in written form of that time. Thus, such information are showed primary in an Arabic story titled: "Tuarih Tuhaf", where it is explained in details that Albanians have Arab origin.[1] Later on, these elements devolve to Ottoman sources. Furthermore, at Ottoman old chronicles which are published from the famous Turkologian Franz Babinger about Albanians, it says that: ”Some of them were from Yemen, and some others from Sa’id", in Egypt.[2]
These information are presented more in details on 15th century, at the travelogue of the famous Ottoman traveler  Evliya Çelebi. At the part of this work of Evliya Çelebi which talks about Albanian regions, we find a chapter with the title: “On the foundation and the origin of Albanian people.” According to this version, Albanian origin is from the Arab tribe of Kuraish, which lived in Makkah, this tribe belong to Prophet Muhammad s.a.s. In that time, they had a chief, Jabal ul-Hama. This chief, with no intention, pull out an eye of a generous Arab. This man went to khalif Umar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644) to complain about this. According to Islamic law “an eye for an eye”, Khalif Umar ordered that chief Jabal to be punished by pulling out his own eye. In the other hand, chief Jabal was so scared and in that night he took three thousands people of his tribe and went to Antiohi at the King Harkil.
The truth is that the version of Evliya Çelebi is developed based on historical episodes, but there are some flaggings. Thus, this story is about the chief of Ghassan tribe, not that of the Kuraish, Jabla Ibn Al Ayham, and no Jabal ul-Hama. The Ghassan tribe, with origin from Yemen, set in north of Arabia, respectively, at the south of Syria, in the beginning of new era, and on the 4th century accepted Christianity. From the chiefs or the kings of this tribe, which are well-known in Arab sources, we know only the last five kings, among them Harith Ibn Jablan (about 529-569), whom the Byzantine Emperor, Justinian, named as the king of all Arabs tribes with the title Patriarch. The last chief or king of this tribe was Jabla Ibn al-Ayham, who became a Muslim. During his stay in Makkah while performing Hajj, in the time of Khalif Umar Ibn al-Khattab (634-644), a random beduin trample on his gown, for that reason the chief Jabla slapped him. The beduin went to complain at Khalif Umar, which based on Islamic Law, asked the beduin to slap back the chief Jabla. But because of his prestige, the chief Jabla together with some of his people during that night went from Makkah to Byzantium, and he never returned back again.[3]
From the second half of the first chapter till the end, the author tells us about the strong relations between Albanians and Arabs during the rule of Ottoman Empire in the Arab countries.
Later on, the author (begining from the second chapter) show us important information and arguments that he had achieved through his studies, such  as the arrival of Albanians in Arab Countries (know as Arnaouts), about their life, their involvement on political, cultural, religious, and social life of this society. He begins with Syria, which is his birthplace, to continue with Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, and Algeria. He talks about diverse Albanian personalities, whom let important footmarks in this places, which still are still obvious in this countries. He talks as well about the Albanian personalities which were involved in politics, army, Islamic knowledge, literature, nationalism and so on. A special chapter he dedicated to the Albanian dynasty of Egypt, who began with Mehmet Ali Pasha, which is known as the founder of the modern Egypt and it continues with his nephews, a dynasty which ruled for more than a century.
This important work of this Albanian author, which lives and works in Syria and Jordan, is only a "short" start about the life, works and relations of Albanians with the Arab world. We hope that this work will be a "start" for further studies from our researches/scholars of this field, which is very important for our national issues and those of cultural-religious.

Translated from Albanian by R.T.

Published in “PERLA” journal, Year IX,  2004, No. 4 (35), p. 147-150, Tirana-Albania

* Ermal Bega is the Executive Director of Albanian Center for Oriental Studies (ACFOS-Albania), Tirana, Albania.
[1] Kaleshi, Hasan; An Oriental legend on the origin of Albanians, "Flaka e Vllaznimit", Skopje, 2th of April, 1956, p. 11.
[2] Ibid.
[3] Ibid.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

رحلة إلى أرض الأجداد

أرمال بيغا

رحلة إلى أرض الأجداد

Ermal Bega
لقد نشأ في بيئة عربية، محاطاً بالتقاليد العربية. وعرف عن خلفيته الألبانية بسبب إسمه الذي أشار الى ذلك بالأضافة لسماعه ذلك من والديه،
ولكنه لم يفكر قط أنه سيخطو يوماً على أرض أجداده. لم يتمكن من  معرفة المكان الدقيق لأصله من والديه ولا من أقاربه، ولكن هذا لم يمنعه من الرغبة في السفر إلى أي من الأراضي الألبانية إذا أمكن. كانت هذه كلمات عامر أرناؤوط، ألبانياً من لبنان، الذي يعيش في ألمانيا مع أسرته منذ عشر سنوات.
هذه العائلة الألبانية المميزة قامت بزيارة ألبانيا بين تواريخ 12 و 15 تموز 2010. عامر بمرافقة زوجته، ناديا أرناؤوط، وأطفالهما الثلاثة، محمد، يوسف وسارة، هبطوا لأول مرة في ألبانيا.
بعد إستقبالنا لأسرة الأرناؤوط في شكودرا، التي قدموا إليها بالسيارة من ألمانيا، قمنا بمرافقتهم إلى تيرانا، وعلى الطريق كنا نصف لهم الأماكن التي نراها ليتكون لديهم فكرة عامة عن المناطق التي يرونها. عندما وصلنا إلى تيرانا، إستقروا في أحد الفنادق، وذلك المساء ذهبنا جميعاً لتناول العشاء وشرب القهوة.
في اليوم التالي، ذهبنا في الصباح الباكر لمرافقتهم من الفندق. كنا قد خططنا أنه خلال اليوم الأول من إقامتهم الممتدة لثلاثة أيام، سنقوم بزيارة البلدة القديمة في كروجا، حيث زرنا البازار القديم والمسجد في وسط المدينة (البازار، المسجد والقناة جميعها قد بنيت أثناء الحضارة الإسلامية في عهد الإمبراطورية العثمانية التي تركت آثاراً كثيرة في كروجا والمدن الألبانية الأخرى). ثم سافرنا إلى ديوريس حيث تناولنا  طعام الغداء والقهوة على شاطئ البحر. هناك شاهدنا مسجد ديوريس الكبير في وسط المدينة، على قمة تلة صغيرة. ومن المثير للإهتمام أن نلاحظ أنه في عهد الدولة العثمانية، وفي فترة الحضارة الإسلامية عموماً، كان لكل مدينة مسجد كبير وسوق في وسط المدينة، جنباً إلى جنب مع المؤسسات الحكومية الأخرى الموجودة هناك، والشيء نفسه حدث في ألبانيا كذلك.
بعد قضاء وقت طويل على الشاطئ في ديوريس الذي أمضيناه في محادثات مثيرة للإهتمام، توجهنا لتيرانا قبل  المغرب. لقد توجهنا إلى المسجد في وسط  إتهيم باي، حيث صلّينا صلاة المغرب. ثم قمنا بعد ذلك بمرافقة ضيوفنا الى الفندق لكي يأخذوا قسطاً من الراحة، وإلتقينا بعدها لتناول العشاء. بعد العشاء ذهبنا لشرب القهوة في أحد المقاهي اللطيفة على جبل  داجتي، ليتاح لضيوفنا الإستمتاع بالطبيعة الهادئة الجميلة لمساء تيرانا. في وقت متأخر من المساء، عدنا إلى المنزل للراحة لكي نلتقي مجدداً في الصباح التالي.
لقد إلتقينا الثامنة صباحاً، وقررنا الذهاب لتناول وجبة الإفطار في مكان للوجبات السريعة التي يملكها صديق سوري، حيث إستمتعنا بتناول الشاورما السورية الشهيرة. وأثناء تناول الإفطار ناقشنا فكرة الذهاب لزيارة كوسوفا، ولكن شعرنا أن الرحلة قد تكون متعبة وتعيقنا، نظراً لقصر فترة رحلتهم، فقررنا عدم الذهاب، وقضينا باقي اليوم نتجوّل في تيرانا لرؤية الأشياء عن كثب. وخلال محادثاتنا فقد ناقشنا أصل عائلة الأرناؤوط في المشرق، وحياتهم هناك وفي ألبانيا.
في صباح اليوم التالي كان على عائلة أرناؤوط الإستعداد لمغادرة تيرانا وألبانيا وسفر مسافة طويلة  إلى بيروت، لبنان، حيث ينتظرهم أقاربهم.
الآن أصبح لديهم شيئاً يقولونه لأقاربهم عن ألبانيا والألبان، وذلك لأنها تجربة قد "لمست" باليد. وقد أعربوا عن حقيقة زيارتهم لألبانيا أنها كانت أكثر اللحظات سعادة خلال رحلتهم الطويلة جداً.
في لحظة المغادرة، أعربوا عن رغبتهم في زيارة أخرى خلال عطلة الصيف في السنة التالية، زيارة أخرى لألبانيا لفترة أطول، لنتمكن من الذهاب لزيارة الأراضي الألبانية في كوسوفا ومقدونيا.
لقد كانت أول زيارة لألبانيا خطوة كبيرة وهامة جداً ليتمكن كثير من الأرناؤوطيين (الألبان) الذين يعيشون في الشرق من زيارتنا.
أرمال بيغا

تمّ ترجمته من اللغة الألبانية الى الإنكليزية من خلال أرمير تاراج
تمّ ترجمته من اللغة الإنكليزية الى العربية من خلال فريق - (Dana Arnaout (Paradetect
المصدر: ACFOS-Albania



Monday, April 16, 2012

The Arnaouts - The un (known), yet famous Albanians

Ermal BEGA*


Ermal Bega
Many of us have heard about the Arnaouts, or the Albanians who have lived in the Orient for many centuries. However, very few of us are well-informed about them, their lives and traditions, their social influence in the places where they live, their contributions to those places etc.
The term Arnaout was used for the first time during the Ottoman Empire, where Albanians were known as Arnaouts, and Albania as Arnautluk.
There exist different theories on the origin of the word أرناؤوط (Arnaout), but to go into this subject requires a whole separate article.
The use of the term Arnaout to reference the Albanian origin of a certain people living in Oriental countries increased during the weakening and then collapse of the Ottoman Empire, where with nationalism entering the scene, the different nations within this empire started forming their own states based on ethnical or religious affiliations. At this time, the Albanian Muslims who were living in these Oriental countries and who were not included in the newly formed Albanian nation-state, started appropriating the term Arnaout to indicate their Albanian origin.
It is interesting to note that, besides the Albanian Muslims (who made up the majority of the Albanian population), this name was also used by the Albanian Christians, many of them Catholics, to indicate their Albanian origin. For example, besides the Muslims of Albanian origin who are found in great numbers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia etc., we can still find entire Christian families of Albanian origin, especially in Lebanon, where their history begins with the appointment of Albanian Catholic Vaso Pasha by the Ottomans as the governor of Lebanon, where he took with him several Albanian Catholic families who decided to live in Lebanon and who, to this day, proudly carry the last name Arnaout as an indication of their Albanian origin. According to the latest researchs, we have found several Albanian Orthodox families that live in Ukraine and carry the name Arnaout.
While the majority of the Arnaouts who live in the Orient carry the last name Arnaout to distinguish themselves as part of the Albanian nation, many other families in different Arab countries and in Turkey carry other last names, many of which are names of places or names of well-known families in Albania. Here we can note the Albani family in Jordan, from which the famous Muslim scholar Nasiruddin Albani (from Shkodra) came forth, the other famous Albanian Muslim scholar Wahbi Sulaiman Gavoçi (also from Shkodra), etc. Among the families whose last name indicates their place of origin is the large Shkodra family in Lebanon.
Among the most well-known Arnaouts (Albanians) in the oriental world we can mention: Muslim scholars Abdulkadr Arnaout and Shuaib Arnaout, the famous writers Ma’ruf Arnaout and Dr. Abdulatif Arnaout, the famous writer and historian Dr. Muhammad Mufaku (Arnaout), the poet and writer Aisha Arnaout, the famous Muslim scholar Nasiruddin Albani, the pioneer in the opening of schools for the lay people of Lebanon Nadim Arnaout, the famous actor from Damascus Yasin Arnaout, the writer and teacher Shawkat Gavoçi etc. In addition, the majority of Albanians who live in the Orient are well educated, most of whom have finished higher education and carry high positions in the societies where they live.
In this context, considering the importance and the great role that Albanians have played and continue to play in the Oriental countries, the editorial board of the cultural-scientific magazine for Oriental Studies “URA” (the Bridge) has decided to dedicate this exclusive issue to them, the Arnaouts.

Translated from Albanian: Armir TARAJ

* Ermal Bega is the Executive Director of the Albanian Center for Oriental Studies, Tirana, Albania.
** This article is taken from the introduction of issue nr. 5 of “URA” magazine, which is published in Tirana - Exclusive issue for the Arnaouts (Albanian) who live in the Orient. The title has been chosen by the author of the article.